Family camping vacations can be so much fun if you know how to do them right. If you’ve been camping before then you probably don’t need this article but if you’ve never actually camped before, then you’ll want to make sure you know what you are getting into. You should be prepared, as should your family. There are many options for places to stay and things to do while you are camping so check around the local camping sites and see which one would best suit you. Here is a brief overview of your options.
Roughin’ It
This is what many people consider to be “real camping.” You can either sleep in a sleeping bag under the stars or you can sleep in a tent, either way is acceptable when you are camping this way. The idea is that you are nowhere near civilization. No showers, no outlets, no electrical items, no technology; just you, your camping buddies, some canned food and a fire. That’s how ‘real’ campers do it. However, not everyone is cut out for this kind of camping. You usually aren’t near any other campers and the wild life can be a little frightening at times. So, as far as family camping vacations go, maybe “roughin’ it” shouldn’t be your first exposure to camping. Some of the other options might be a better idea if you or your spouse or kids is interested in camping but aren’t sure what to except.
Camping in Cabins
This is a great option for someone who wants to enjoy the distance from the city but doesn’t want to sleep outside on the cold ground. You can enjoy the lack of a signal for technological devices, the great outdoors and all the other perks of camping without having to do the actual camping part. You could even build a fire outside if you wanted to, in the evenings. If you are staying in a cabin then you will have real beds, sinks, showers and possibly even kitchen facilities. However, you’ll want to check the sinks and showers and anywhere with a drain before stepping in because sometimes critters like to crawl up the drains for the warmth of the cabin. They’ll try and enter the cabin for all the same reasons you don’t want to sleep outside to. However, some of these critters can be poisonous and dangerous. You should also run the water for a minute before sticking your hands under the faucet in case something is hiding up the pipe.
Staying in campgrounds for you family camping vacations is probably the big favorite for families. It’s a whole community of campers setting up tents and tee-pees and sleeping bags mere feet from each other. There’s safety in numbers and many of the campers come regularly to the same campgrounds so the families can start to get to know each other. This kind of camping is scoffed at by the “roughin’ it” folk because a lot of the campgrounds have outlets and showers so people can stay clean, charge phones, watch TV, etc. However, it’s a great way to get to meet people, attend events and really get the most out of the camping trip.
RV Camping
Now, this is a very upper class way to camp. In fact, it really isn’t camping at all. It’s staying at a hotel on wheels. Renting or buying an RV will allow you to roam around and stay in certain RV parks, etc, much like you would when you are camping except you’ll have your entire house on wheels. This way you don’t have to worry about scorpions in the shower, sleeping in the cold, being too secluded or any of the other downsides of the other types of camping.
Family camping vacations is really more about enjoying your time together than actually trying to become avid campers. It’s an opportunity to bond and catch up on one another’s lives and build memories. If someone isn’t having a good time because of the conditions in which you are camping, then it won’t be a successful trip. Get the kids involved in the decision about where to camp so that everyone can be excited about it and have a great time once you get there.