Vacation rentals

Everyone needs a vacation every once in a while; vacations are a crucial part of our lives which too often separate business and pleasure. The average age for vacation-goers is 47.5 years of age: 8% of travelers are between 18 and 24; 20% are 25-34; 17% are 35-44; 19% are 45-55; 18% are 55-64; and 18% are over 65 years old. In case anyone needed an additional reason to take a vacation, studies have shown that those who take time to relax have better states of mental and physical health.

Peace of Mind and Body

Of those who go on vacations, 52% said that they felt more relaxed when they return home and 49% said they slept-in later while on vacation. Vacations help to break up the monotony of everyday life by allowing vacation-goers to focus on themselves for a select amount of time. Up to 53% of employed Americans say that they return from a vacation feeling reconnected to their families. Finally, a recent study has found that going on an annual vacation can help cut a person’s risk of heart attack in half. Based on these findings a vacation may be more than an escape — it may end up saving your life in the long run.

Vacation Home Rentals

In 2007, only around 10% of the population in the United States had stayed in vacation rental home. In 2015 that number has increased to 50%, making vacation home rentals some of the most popular recent trends for vacationing. Some of the most popular sites include beach vacation rentals with houses right on the shore and scenic mountain cabins. Recent trends have seen a 57% increase in vacation home sales this year as more and more city-dwellers are looking to find their own escapes. Investing in a vacation home is a good way to make money, however you might want to look into vacation property management services to handle housekeeping on your behalf — they typically will charge 20-50% of the rental income as commission for their services. Whether you need a break or want to get in the vacation business yourself, there are plenty of vacation rental homes out there to satisfy the demand.
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