Every year millions of families venture out into the woods to camp. For each family, preferences on how to camp can vary. Some prefer the comforts of RV camping and having the ability to pick up and move from site to site. Other families opt for the the more rustic cabin camping or tent camping to establish their campsite and rough it for a few nights. Whatever method you choose, here are some helpful tips for family camping.
Camping is a great way to teach children about nature. Whether your RV camping or cabin camping, spending time in the great outdoors can teach children respect for the natural world around them. In the digital age with increasing access to electronics and technology, fewer children are spending their time outdoors. Packing up your belongings for an RV camping trip can provide children with some of the luxuries of home to which they have grown accustomed. This can provide a nice home base to return to after a long day of nature walks, fishing, swimming, and bird watching.
Although camping can be a lot of fun for any family, there are also safety precautions to keep in mind. First and foremost, fire safety is key when camping. Most nights will revolve around sitting by a campfire telling stories and roasting marshmallows. Be sure to have adult supervision around every campfire. Starting and maintaining the fire should be an adult responsibility. Also, be sure to keep the fire a safe distance from the campsite. When RV camping this advice is especially important to follow to prevent igniting the gas tank.
Lastly, be sure to care for your campsite. As guests in the woods, it is important to leave the campsite and surrounding areas in good condition. Using biodegradable soaps when bathing can help to prevent contamination of the water sources in the area. Clean up any garbage accumulated over the course of your stay and, if RV camping, make sure to keep the vehicle in RV campgrounds so as not to disturb any plant or wildlife when coming or going.
Whether tent, cabin, or RV camping, you can be sure to find a park that fits your family’s needs. Go online and look up the many great campsites all over the county. A camping trip can be a vacation the whole family will remember for years to come. References.