Airline flights can seem challenging today. From arriving at the airport at least an hour ahead of boarding time to make sure that you can get through security to taking off your shoes, coat, belt and emptying your laptop case in the security line itself, the convenience of flying over driving is somewhat debatable. Flying to Shreveport, Louisiana, from Omaha, Nebraska, for instance might seem like a major time savings. The reality is, however, that although the drive may take 12 hours, by the time you make your connection because there is no direct flight, the airplane travel time from your home to your destination is still six. And while cutting your travel time in half is tempting, the reality is that if your airline tickets are expensive you may have to question your decision to fly.
There are definitely affordable airline flights available, but it takes attention to detail and patience to make sure that you are getting an airfare that makes the hassle of today’s security lines worth the effort. If, of course, you are flying a distance that would take more than 12 hours to drive it will always be in your best interest to make sure that you fly to avoid extra overnight hotel costs during the driving time.
Obviously, when you are preparing to travel internationally, flying is your only real option. And while some cruise lines can get you to some of the places where you want to go, it is likely in your best interest to make sure that you pay close attention to the airline prices that you may need to pay.
If you are a family who is looking at an upcoming vacation it is important that you do your planning ahead of time so that you can make sure that you find all of the available options and understand the various flights and connections that are available to you. Consider some of these facts and figures about Americans and the summer travel that they experience and the frequency of airline flights:
- 79% of domestic trips are for leisure purposes.
- 76% of millennials indicate that they would rather spend their money on experiences than material things.
- 23% of Millennials indicate that social media significantly influences their choice of a travel destination.
- 49% of Baby Boomers report no challenges while trying to plan a trip; another, 15%, however, indicate that budgeting is their biggest challenge.
- U.S. travelers went on 458.9 million domestic business trips in the year 2016. This figure is forecasted to increase to 478.2 million by the year 2020.
- 218 million air traffic passengers traveled to or from the U.S. in the year 2016.
There are many airline deals and budget travel plans available, but it takes both time and organization to make sure that you are finding the deal that is the best fit for you and your family. And while some people are able to book their own flights and make their own reservations, a growing number of people take advantage of online booking and reservation sites to make sure that they are getting the most for their travel dollars.